We had so much fun in May at Sunrise!! From Cinco De Mayo celebrations, to mothers day, we were full of smiles and laughs across both our in person and virtual programs. Take a look below and see what we were up to!
MAY 2021

April showers bring May flowers at Sunrise this month!
Come back next month for more fun filled scenes!! We're looking forward to summer!

Students at Trinity Access Center grew some special flowers to suprise their families this Mother's day!

Red team built the tallest tower during our STEM focused activity block at Trinity!

More Mother's Day arts and craft projects!

We celebrated Cinco de Myao with a special day of activities... and tacos!!

We celebrated the end of our amazing OUR STORIES literacy and arts initiative with a special art show and display at Southwark elementary school!

More awesome STEM activities at Trintity Access Center!