Youth on the E-Sports Team will develop and implement school-wide tournaments and leaderboards with the support of the SPHS administration and instructors. They will also research local tournaments that our youth can participate in as a group. Ultimately, the goal is to plan and implement multiple school-wide tournaments/brackets based on youth interest
Social Media Club
The Social Media Club will be responsible for the promotion of all Sunrise OST at South Philadelphia High School through our various social media accounts, including Instagram, Tik Tok, and Youtube. Youth will develop a marketing calendar that will include the consistent promotion of all clubs in our program using various forms of media, such as photos, videos, newsletters, etc. Other projects may include takIng trips to Sunrise’s elementary school OST programs and taking photos/videos for Sunrise’s general social media accounts, developing and promoting a school-wide photo of the week contest, developing an end of the year promotion video, and more
Apparel Club
Youth in the Apparel Club will support each other in the planning, development, and growth of their own apparel brands. Each youth will have the opportunity to create their own seasonal fashion line of four (4) t-shirts with their own design. They will also practice social media marketing, online branding, and more. Guest teachers/speakers experienced in the designing and production of clothing brands will also be invited to join us and support the youth in their journeys.
Blog Squad/Student Mag/Podcast
This club will generate content regarding social issues youth find important in their personal lives and communities. They may also report on local and state government issues, as well as stories specific to South Philadelphia High School, such as highlighting certain programs, staff, projects, and youth accomplishments. This content could be blog posts, videos, interviews, vlogs, etc. The goal of this club is to officially launch a podcast and/or blog/vlog for Sunrise of Philadelphia.
Youth Advisory Council
In partnership with the offices of Senator Nikil Saval and State Representative Elizabeth Fiedler, youth can gain experience advocating for issues important to them and their communities. Each month, the Youth Advisory Council will meet with staff from the offices of Senator Saval and Rep. Fiedler, if not the politicians themselves, to discuss various bills in the Senate and House and the youth can share their opinions and experiences related to those particular bills. Youth will also work on advocacy and civic engagement projects in partnership with these offices.